Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Vision 2015 - 目的人生與目的教會 

目的人生(Purpose Driven Life)是門徒訓練的起點,建立個人靈命成長的目標。
目的教會(Purpose Driven Church)門徒訓練的終點,建立教會建造的異象

我會從四個方面來描述目的人生與目的教會的Why, What, Where and How

  • 核心價值是指我們從聖經中領受最核心的價值觀。 (Why)
  • 使命是指神給這個教會的託付。(What)
  • 異象是指我們從聖經中看見神要教會去完成的圖畫,遠景,夢想。(Where)
  • 策略是指達成使命、異象,所需使用的方法、道路。(How)
Vision 2015 - Purpose driven life and purpose driven church

The basic framework of discipleship based on purpose driven life and purpose driven church.
Purpose driven life is the starting point of discipleship. Set a goal for personal spiritual life.
Purpose driven church is the end point of discipleship. Set a vision of Church. 
The line between starting point and end point is the process of discipleship.

I will use four section to describe why, what, where and how about purpose driven life and purpose driven church.

  • Core-values are the most important values we received from Bible. (Why)
  • Mission is the task God assigned to the church. (What)
  • Vision is the picture, prospect and dream in the viewpoint of Bible, which God expect His church to fulfill. (Where)
  • Strategy is the method and the way to fulfill mission and vision. (How)

耶穌對他說、你要盡心、盡性、盡意、愛主你的 神。這是誡命中的第一、且是最大的。其次也相倣、就是要愛人如己。這兩條誡命、是律法和先知一切道理的總綱。
Core Values
Obey Great Commandment
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Fulfill Great Commission
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

The great commandment is the principle of the Old Testament.  The great commission is the principle of the New Testament. These two paragraphs of Bible represent the core-values of Bible.


Christ is the focus of our vision
According to Christ, our mission is
Knowing Christ, Following Christ, Serving Christ

Disciple is the target of our ministry
According to discipleship, our mission is
Calling Disciple, Equipping Disciple, Sending Disciple

Worship the glory of Christ
Pray for the kingdom of Christ
Learn the Word of Christ
Join the family of Christ
Serve the body of Christ
Share the gospel of Christ

弓:  呼召門徒,認識基督。焦點是靈命。

弦:  造就門徒,跟隨基督焦點是聖經

箭:  差派門徒,服事基督焦點是事奉。


Bow: calling disciple to know Christ. The focus is the spiritual life
1. Commit to worship: Join Sunday Worship, worship the glory of Christ.
2. Commit to prayer: Join prayer meeting, pray for the kingdom of Christ.

Bowstring: Equipping disciple to follow Jesus. The focus is Bible.
3. Commit to maturity. Join Sunday school, Bible study. Learning the Word of Christ.
4. Commit to Church. Join fellowship. Join the family of Christ.

Arrow: Dispatching disciple to serve Jesus. The focus is ministry.
5. Commit to ministry. Join ministry and offering. Serve the body of Christ.
6.Commit to evangelism. Join visitation and mission. Share the gospel of Christ.

教會建造的比喻:The metaphor of Church


Holy City and Temple as a metaphor of church
Worship and prayer is the construction of temple. These are the central core of Church construction.
Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry and Evangelism are the construction of Holy City.  These are the four walls of Church construction.

Body as a metaphor of church
Christ is the head of Church. This is central nervous system of Church.

Worship is the heart of body. This is the heartbeat of church.
Prayer is the lung of body. This is the breathing of church.

Education is the digestive system of body. This is the nutrient absorption of  Church.
Fellowship is the blood vessel of body. This is the communication channel  of Church.

Ministry is hands of body. This is the work and support of Church.
Evangelism is the legs of body. This is the action and expansion of Church.

主日講道十二主題: The 12 topics in Sunday preaching
These are topics for topical preaching. One topic for each month. For seekers, they can know Jesus, listen the calling of  Jesus and become His disciple from the preaching. For believers, they also can know more about Jesus, confirm the faith, renew the vision and keep moving forward.

新生命 New Life 我們信甚麼? What do we believe? 
認識神和神的話 Knowing God and Word
認識人和人的罪 Knowing human and sin
認識基督和十架 Knowing Christ and cross
認識聖靈和救恩 Knowing Holy Spirit and salvation
認識教會和神國 Knowing Church and God's Kingdom
認識末世和來世 Knowing end time and eternal life
新生活 New Living
我們做甚麼? What do we do? 
認識敬拜 Knowing worship
認識禱告 Knowing prayer
認識門訓 Knowing discipleship
認識團契 Knowing fellowship
認識服事 Knowing ministry
認識宣教 Knowing evangelism
Doing is the response to the believing.  Theology conviction and life practice are two faces of one body. These two series can be matched one by one. Two series of topics can be interlaced.

認識神和神的話 Knowing God and Word
認識敬拜 Knowing worship
Knowing God and Word,let us worship God in his presence.

認識人和人的罪 Knowing human and sin
認識禱告 Knowing prayer
Knowing human and sin, let us know human's inability and helpless. We have to rely on God's power by prayer.

認識基督和十架 Knowing Christ and cross
認識門訓 Knowing discipleship

Knowing Christ and cross, let us take our cross, follow him to be his disciple.

認識聖靈和救恩 Knowing Holy Spirit and salvation
認識團契 Knowing fellowship

Knowing Holy Spirit and salvation, let us to be saved and join God's family.

認識教會和神國 Knowing Church and God's Kingdom
認識服事 Knowing ministry

認識教會和神國,使我們加入教會的服事, 建造教會,為神的國度效力。
Knowing Church and God's Kingdom, let us join the ministry to build church, and offer our body for God's kingdom.

認識末世和來世 Knowing end time and eternal life
認識宣教 Knowing evangelism
Knowing end time and eternal life, let us proclaim the gospel to the end of earth to prepare Lord's second coming.

主日學與團契小組: Sunday School and Fellowship small group
可以參考Warren Wiersbe的BE 十二年的逐卷查經規劃。
Warren Wiersbe在每一本書的標題,已經畫龍點睛地指出每一本書屬靈的精意。還有每本都是一季十三周的進度,很適合作成人主日學的材料,每一課也都有問題與討論,很適合做團契中小組查經的材料。

We can use the BE Bible study series of Warren Wiersbe as reference. The title of each book point the spiritual key point of each book. Each book has 13 lessons for one quarter. It is a good material for adult Sunday school. Each lesson has questions for thinking and discussion. It is also a good material for small group Bible study in fellowship.


Sunday school focuses on teaching and explain Bible to help student to understand the language, history and spiritual meaning of Bible.
Fellowship focuses on small group discussion and sharing. Bring Bible to the daily life.
  1. Be Basic: Genesis 1-11 
  2. Be Obedient: Genesis 12-25 
  3. Be Authentic: Genesis 25-50 
  4. Be Delivered: Exodus 
  5. Be Holy: Leviticus 
  6. Be Counted: Numbers 
  7. Be Equipped: Deuteronomy 
  8. Be Strong: Joshua 
  9. Be Available: Judges 
  10. Be Committed: Ruth & Esther 
  11. Be Successful: 1 Samuel 
  12. Be Restored: 2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles 
  13. Be Responsible: 1 Kings 
  14. Be Distinct: 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles 
  15. Be Determined: Nehemiah 
  16. Be Patient: Job 
  17. Be Worshipful: Psalms Vol. 1 
  18. Be Exultant: Psalms Vol. 2 
  19. Be Skillful: Proverbs 
  20. Be Satisfied: Ecclesiastes 
  21. Be Comforted: Isaiah 
  22. Be Decisive: Jeremiah 
  23. Be Reverent: Ezekiel 
  24. Be Resolute: Daniel 
  25. Be Concerned: Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah 
  26. Be Heroic: Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra 
  27. Be Amazed: Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi 
  28. Be Loyal: Matthew 
  29. Be Diligent: Mark 
  30. Be Compassionate: Luke 1-13 
  31. Be Courageous: Luke 14-24 
  32. Be Alive: John 1-12 
  33. Be Transformed: John 13-21 
  34. Be Dynamic: Acts 1-12 
  35. Be Daring: Acts 13-28 
  36. Be Right: Romans 
  37. Be Wise: 1 Corinthians 
  38. Be Encouraged: 2 Corinthians 
  39. Be Free: Galatians 
  40. Be Rich: Ephesians 
  41. Be Joyful: Philippians 
  42. Be Complete: Colossians 
  43. Be Ready: 1 & 2 Thessalonians 
  44. Be Faithful: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon 
  45. Be Confident: Hebrews 
  46. Be Mature: James 
  47. Be Hopeful: 1 Peter 
  48. Be Alert: 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude 
  49. Be Real: 1 John 
  50. Be Victorious: Revelation

遠景中的教會: The church in vision

敬拜的異象: 敬拜基督的榮耀。
The vision of worship: worship the glory of Christ.
We see a group of people who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb come to worship Him around His throne. Worship is the center of life for the group of saints, just like tabernacle is the center of life for Israel people when they camped in desert. They commit to Christ-centered worship. They bow down to the Lord in the sovereignty of God. They encounter God in worship. They fear the glory and majesty of God. Their hearts are touched by the grace and love of God. They carefully listen to the message of God in worship. Their souls are restored in worship. They go back to their daily life with the heart of worship and continue to glorify God in their life.

The vision of prayer:  pray for the kingdom of Christ
We see a group of prayer warriors.  They enthusiastically search for the coming of God’s kingdom. They enthusiastically search for God’s wills can be followed in the whole world. They know their weakness, but they know they can rely on God’s power by prayer. They always thanks God, even when they are not in smooth situation, they still don’t forget His grace. They always praise the Lord.  Even when they are in suffering, they still have joy. They also always wait upon God, even when the thing looks like has no hope; they know all of hopes come from God. They are not afraid of enemy because they know God is with them. They are afraid of the commitment of sin because they know God will cover his ears and stop listening to his prayer.

The vision of discipleship: Learning the Word of Christ
We see a group of disciples who are willing to follow Jesus. They are like sheep to follow the shepherd. They can listen to Lord’s voice and follow Lord’s trace. They have a teachable heart and listening ears. They are willing to receive restrict training, obey commands and become good soldiers of Christ, special army by God’s calling. They are willing to put down the world and take their cross to follow the step of Jesus. They want to be a person of whom this world is not worthy.God’s Word is a lamp on their feet and a light on their path. God’s Word is a lamp on their feet and a light on their path. They are willing to read God’s Word daily to search for God’s will and they want to do their best to obey His commands. They totally rely on all of promises on the Bible. They keep God’s Word in their mind, read God’s Word as their spiritual food and use God’s word to overcome temptation. They meditate on God’s Word day and night. They are like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.

The vision of fellowship: Join the family of Christ
We see a fellowship of love, which is connected with God’s love and is united as one body. They come from different area and become a family by God’s love. Sometime they might have different opinion, different personality and even conflict to each other, but they are willing to learn the biggest lesson, love, such that they can adjust to each other and obey to each other. They are a group of pilgrims who are walking to the Zion Mountain.  They might encounter temptation, test, depression and attack sometime, but they have fellowship in the light, support each other, encourage each other and pray for each other to ensure all of their walking partners can arrive to their hometown peacefully in the other side.

The vision of ministry: Serving the body of Christ.
We see a group of servants who clothe in humility. They willingly devote themselves for the Lord to serve other people. They are good housekeepers of God based on their personal gift. Each person does their best on their duty to perform his function in the body of Christ, connect to the head Christ, obey his commands to advance gospel together. They are faithful in what is least and take responsibility on the ministry God give. They have a heart to work hard and willingly sacrifice his own convenience and right to let God’s name to be glorified. They are willing to clean themselves from ignoble and to make themselves to be useful vessels for God.

The vision of evangelism: Proclaiming the gospel of Christ.
We see a group of evangelical ambassadors who proclaim the good news. They want to proclaim the reason for their hope toward the hopeless world.  They want to proclaim  the light has come toward the dark jail. They proclaim  that God is love to the world without true love. They want to search for lost sheep, bring lost sheep back to the sheep penThey put on the full armor of God. They want to demolish strongholds to take captive every thought. They want to bring atheists, idolaters and people who lost in the fashion of this world back to Christ.

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