Tuesday, December 8, 2015

查經團契(Bible study fellowship)




讀經三步: 觀察,解釋,應用

主日學與團契配合不易做到,BSF先討論,再教導,也許更可行。BSF只選部分的聖經,教會可以考慮整本聖經,像導航會的LifeChange Bible Study就是一個不錯的教材。一起查考整本聖經一直是我的理想。這是最好的門徒訓練,門徒訓練應該由地方教會來做,而不是交給福音機構。這是神給教會的託付。BSF的系統查經誠然做得很好,但BSF的人常用BSF取代教會的聚會。不能委身在教會,怎麼能做個好門徒?

LifeChange Bible Studies
Navigator 的 Life Change Bible Studies. 這是除了BE以外,唯一覆蓋整本聖經的查經系列。這套查經沒有中文版。盼望有一天,能有人出版中文。 LifeChange Bible Studies 共有45本。這是導航會一套歷史悠久的查經系列,但一直到今年2015,才全部大功告成。BE是以注釋為主,LifeChange 卻是以查經為主。他的問題覆蓋得比較仔細。我盼望有一天,中文團契也能興起查考整本聖經的查經團契。歸納式查經是從觀察經文,歸納得出經文的涵義。BE的查經是複習他的解釋,但LifeChange是沒有給你解釋,你需要自己找到結論。BE適合主日學的教學用,LifeChange適合個人與團契的查經。LifeChange and BE 大約都要12年才能完成。LifeChange共有583課。
  1. 創世紀 Genesis 19課
  2. 出埃及記 Exodus  18課
  3. 利未記&民數記  Leviticus &Numbers  12課
  4. 申命記 Deuteronomy  12課
  5. 約書亞記 Joshua  16課
  6. 士師記 Judges  8課
  7. 路得記&以斯帖記  Ruth &Esther  10課
  8. 撒母耳記上下 1&2 Samuel 10課
  9. 列王記上下 1&2 Kings 8課
  10. 歷代志上下 1&2 Chronicles 12課
  11. 以斯拉記&尼希米記  Ezra &Nehemiah  8課
  12. 約伯記 Job  13課
  13. 詩篇 Psalms  10課
  14. 箴言 Proverbs  15課
  15. 傳道書 Ecclesiastes  8課
  16. 雅歌 Song of Songs  8課
  17. 以賽亞書 Isaiah  18課
  18. 耶利米書&耶利米哀歌 Jeremiah & Lamentations  12課
  19. 以西結書 Ezekiel  12課
  20. 但以理書 Daniel  12課
  21. 小先知書 上:1 Minor Prophets  12課
  22. 小先知書 下:2 Minor Prophets 12課
  23. 馬太福音 Matthew  18課
  24. 馬可福音 Mark  18課
  25. 路加福音 Luke  16課
  26. 約翰福音 John  22課
  27. 使徒行傳 Acts  20課
  28. 羅馬書 Romans  20課
  29. 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians  13課
  30. 哥林多後書 2 Corinthians  17課
  31. 加拉太書 Galatians  12課
  32. 以弗所書 Ephesians  14課
  33. 腓立比書 Philippians  11課
  34. 歌羅西書&腓利門書  Colossians&Philemon  11課
  35. 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thessalonians  11課
  36. 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2 Thessalonians  7課
  37. 提摩太前書 1 Timothy  10課
  38. 提摩太後書 2 Timothy  8課
  39. 提多書 Titus  8課
  40. 希伯來書 Hebrews  19課
  41. 雅各書 James  12課
  42. 彼得前書 1 Peter  13課
  43. 彼得後書&猶大書  2 Peter &Jude  9課
  44. 約翰一二三書 123 John   14課
  45. 啟示錄 Revelation  15課
    In BSF they divide time into discussion and lecture.  The first hour is discussion and the second hour is lecture. People can share in discussion and listen in lecture. This combination help people to learn Bible in both directions.  
    We have four kind of meeting in church
    1. Teaching: preaching, Sunday school, Bible study
    2. Fellowship
    3. Prayer
    4. communion 

    Bible study fellowship is a combination of teaching and fellowship.

    The BSF system of Bible study is highly organized and disciplined, and uses the technique of exegesis for expository study of the scriptures. BSF holds classes for men, women, children and young adults in 35 countries (2006). There are over 1100 classes worldwide. Classes for adult men and women are single-sex, though classes for children (toddlers and infants in Day Women's classes, and for Grades 1-12 in Evening Men's and Women's classes) and young adults (aged 18–35) are not. Each study lasts for approximately nine months, and over a nine-year cycle BSF classes cover GenesisRomansMatthew, Life of MosesJohnIsaiah, Israel and the Minor Prophets, Revelation, and Acts of the Apostles.

    The BSF system involves four elements; daily questions to encourage personal Bible study, discussion groups (of up to 15 people) for sharing of personal answers to questions, a lecture by the class Teaching Leader covering the past week’s scripture with applications for daily living, and finally a set of notes reinforcing lessons from the previous week (plus a new set of questions for the week ahead). BSF classes and materials are provided free of charge.

    Often the Teaching Leader and the notes will present historical details obtained from external sources, as an aid to clearer understanding of the context and background of the scripture being studied.

    Discussion groups are led by Group Leaders, who are specifically directed to avoid any formal teaching role (this being left to the Holy Spirit during member’s personal quiet times during the week, and the Teaching Leader in his/her lecture). Group Leaders facilitate the discussions, and also perform a shepherding role with group members. They attend a separate two-hour training session each week, which involves group discussion through each of the week’s questions and answers, and generally a sharing of homiletics(see links below) on the passage being studied. Group Leaders can pray with their group at the end of their discussion time.

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